Bodyguard Equipment
Close protection operatives or bodyguards as they are more commonly known is an age old profession that has evolved with the ages but the premise is still the same: protect human life. At PMV Security we value human life and are always pushing the envelope when it comes to technology and equipment to assist us. If it helps protect one of our personnel, our clients and the public then we want it and will implement it. Our research and development (R&D) team which is a tiny department attached to our Logistics & Research Team (LRT) manages all equipment testing. They’re primary mission is to look at emerging technology and apply it to our daily operations in a meaningful way.
Attire & Uniform
Clothing attire can have a significant impact on not just the appearance of bodyguards but the performance. We’re able to adapt to any environment and we always attempt to honor our client’s request in terms of clothing attire. If there are no special requirements and not any security threats that call for discrete operations we will use are standard dress attire. These are your standard dress attire (see below) specially tailored for our operatives with some custom designs for equipment requirements.
Discrete Operations
There may be a call for discrete operations whether unique security threats require our operatives to ‘blend in’ or the client does not want to draw unwanted attention. This can be problematic for operations that require extensive equipment but usually for standard situations it can be applied with no issues.
Custom Requests
We will make every attempt to honor requests made, especially when it comes to custom dress attire and there are no security threats that w0uld inhibit the duties of the bodyguards. There may be special fees or time restrictions on obtaining a custom design so please be as descriptive as possible and provide as much notice as you can so we have the time and resources to meet your custom demands.
Vehicles & Transportation
We have the ability to provide several types of vehicles depending on the needs of the client. We use the best quality with strong reliability. Many of these factors are dependent on the client. However, some may not apply universally. We can utilize small, medium, large vehicles. Especially if we have numerous principals we will utilize a larger passenger vehicle. If there are unique factors that apply that dictates smaller vehicles in which case we will use a convoy of smaller vehicles.
Transportation Movements
Every operation will have different methods of movements during transportation. If the client requires space or needs to conduct sensitive business while inside a vehicle a convoy can be arranged to provide space without sacrificing safety. This could potentially require swapping vehicle types depending on the circumstances however this can vary with the type of protection services you utilize from PMV. This will all be detailed in the operational plan before any movement takes place.
Some people want security and the protection that security comes with. Some people want that protection plus a little luxury. Once we have the protection challenges taken care of we look at the convenience side of operations.
We understand for some clients it’s all about having a certain level of comfort without compromising protection. We don’t want clients to think they are in a prison with people surrounding them all the time.
Through our partnerships we can provide certain types of vehicles from luxury, exotic, and sports vehicles. If there is a specific request just let your personal protection protection manager (PPM) know during your consultation and we make every attempt to honor the request. We must have a certain time period set aside to conduct vehicle checks. We will sweep the vehicles for anything suspicious prior to operations. If at any point there appears to be a safety or security concern during operation we will make an executive decision to not utilize the transportation and will credit you citing a security concern for your safety.
bodyguard equipment.
Radio Frequency (RF) Detection
There are several reasons why RF detection is important for some clients. There may be a concern certain types of radio transmissions that are critical to the safety or sensitive information related to the client.
- GPS Trackers –> Attached to a vehicle or someone following the client
- Wireless Audio Listening Devices (Commonly known as “bugs”) –> Purpose of obtaining audio conversations
- Cell Phones using GPS/Data LTE or 5G –> Tracking, Transmitting data, Video etc.
- Hidden Wireless Cameras –> Wireless transmission of video
For lower threat targets we utilize Software Define Radio(s) (SDR)s for signal detection. One of our personnel can operate it continuously scanning for rogue radio signals. This stops most threats even if a threat activates the device later on it will still be detected by our scanner.

LimeSDR scanning and analyzing radio signals with a simple android smartphone
RF Jamming Capabilities
For those clients who need to take protection to the extreme? RF jammers are capable of jamming certain common radio frequencies. Several types of devices just like we listed above use RF but our scanner cannot stop physical threats like explosives. This is where RF jamming is critical. If an RF signal cannot reach a radio activated, improvised explosive device (IED), than it will prevent it from being triggered. This can prevent potentially devastating vehicle attacks. bodyguard equipment.
- GPS Trackers –> Attached to a vehicle or someone following the client
- Wireless Audio Listening Devices (Commonly known as “bugs”) –> Purpose of obtaining audio conversations
- Cell Phones using GPS/Data LTE or 5G –> Tracking, Transmitting data, Video etc.
- Hidden Wireless Cameras –> Wireless transmission of video
- Wireless Triggered Explosive –> Triggering an improvised explosive device (IED) from a remote location

Mobile arm version (left) and vehicle version (right)
These devices are typically only used for government officials and diplomatic related personnel or high profile individuals with high threat status. We try to avoid these as you will see the warning below but we will deploy them when needed.
Note: There are certain locations in which these are illegal to operate as they can be disruptive to various public & emergency services. We only use these in designated areas under specific circumstances.
Security Drones
In today’s world you always need to be one step ahead of the threat. PMV Security plans to be ten steps ahead. Through DJI, we are able to use security drones for certain security operations to provide an extra layer of protection. This allows us to ensure we are able to spot threats before they can act. Without a doubt we are leading the way in the APAC region in terms of utilizing drones for security operations. bodyguard equipment.
We are able to run multiple drones during transit operations to spot poor traffic conditions, reconnaissance for potential threats from buildings, rooftops etc. long before we come into range. Not only does this increase our efficiency in how quickly we can move but it provides a significant advantage over threats planning an attack on any convoys or fixed locations.
There are a number of cameras we can utilize on drones during security operations. Thermal and night vision can identify a threat especially at night.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
We have the ability to track motion and identify targets by type (pedestrian, car, motorbike, plane, train etc.). This is more effective for our other services like security patrols but it is beneficial to our executive protection operations as well.
This is not a comprehensive list of equipment and technology we utilize. There are some operational security concerns posting all details publicly and we do not want to jeopardize the safety and security of our clients or staff. This just a broad overview of some of the equipment we can provide. bodyguard equipment. bodyguard equipment
In conclusion, PMV Security Group can provide comprehensive support for all types of security services. Above all, we make every attempt to provide the best quality service possible.
If you would like to learn more about the security services we offer check out our main page. so
Interested in a career in security? Check out our career opportunities. so