Professional factory security services
The factory is one of the most common sites attracting security guards to work. Security guards with one or two years of experience all used to work at factories, as well as achieve experiences in this professional service. A common characteristic of a factory is that it requires a huge amount of security guards. Each position will play different roles and perform different duties. But the same target is to ensure the security of the factory. To maintain manufacturing activities, factory security guards must guarantee the security in the factory. Therefore, a factory security guard plays an essential role in this field.
First and foremost, let’s see what are the common positions in the factory.
Factory security guards and their common assigned positions
Positions in a factory depend on the scale of that factory. Each guard of each position will play their own roles, fulfill different functions and take on different responsibilities. In providing factory professional security services, the suppliers have to give clear advice to clients about necessary and suitable positions. According to PMV’s experiences, the majority of positions will include:
Factory security guards and their common position
Factory security guard at the main gate
This is the most important position among the others in the factory. The duties in this position are checking on people, vehicles, goods, and assets entering and exiting from the gate. This position is also required to keep a record of daily activities. Moreover, security guards in this position are the ones maintaining a positive public image of the factory. Therefore, the position requires guards with good appearance, good communication skills, flexibility, good handwriting and, thorough training.
Factory security guards at the side gate
The duties of this position are also to control people, vehicles, goods, and assets entering and exiting from the gate. However, not everyone or every type of vehicle can go through this side gate. Most side gates are only for certain types of vehicles such as freight cars. In fact, some factories that use side gates for workers. The tasks will depend on the purpose of using the factory’s side gate. As supplying security services for the factory, we must be flexible and knowledgeable about this rule.
Factory security guards incoming goods inspecting
Security guards are responsible for inspecting the incoming goods in the warehouse of the factory. Most of the goods are the materials for the factory’s manufacturing activities. Therefore, the security guards have to inspect the quantity and quality of the goods. If there is any cheating detected, they will take the blame. Moreover, they are responsible for maintaining security and order, and keeping the goods in their best conditions in terms of fire prevention.
Factory security guards outgoing goods inspecting
This position will check and inspect the outgoing goods from the factory. Basically, they have the same responsibilities as the above position. However, outgoing goods inspection requires more rigorous processes. Security guards must be knowledgeable about goods packaging, types of goods; or characters and contents written in the package. They are also responsible for inspecting whether the incoming goods are the correct type and whether the amount of goods is enough or not. Additionally, the security guards must stay aware of not making mistakes that can cause loss or damage to goods. They are strictly banned from performing cheating acts such as hiding or stealing products from the factory.
Factory security guards mounting guard
Regarding factories with large areas and wide production scales, the likelihood is that illegal intrusion may usually occur. Therefore, security guards in a position to mount guard are so essential. Their main duty is to have the factory under observation both from the inside and outside. In order to give timely warnings against security issues. Moreover, they are supposed to keep all moving activities under control.
Factory security guards on patrol
When assigned to the patrol, security guards have to stay mobile all the time. When a security guard makes a patrol, they have to go around the factory at regular times to check that it is safe and that there is no trouble. They may patrol the whole factory or just one certain assigned area inside the factory. Therefore, observing and detecting skills are crucial. The patrol has to utilize all their senses (eyes, ears, noses,…) so that they can promptly detect any abnormal signs.
Factories are the common sites that need security services. However, all the jobs and missions related to these sites are complicated and require a high level of qualification with great professional skills. Without them, it will lead to situations that are not fully controlled or beyond control. Therefore, security guards need to be knowledgeable about each position in the factory.
Daily tasks of professional factory security guards
Factory security guards start their day in the early morning. The time may vary in each factory, but security guards are always the first to get things ready so that workers can enter the factory. That’s the reason why they always have to use their initiative when working at the factories.
Allowing workers’ entry – Handing parking cards to the workers
The main tasks of a security guard at this site are allowing workers entry and handing them parking cards or parking passes. Handing parking cards seems simple but turns out to be a task requiring good mental agility and great observation skills with absolute precision. Not only do the security guards have to ensure the punctuality of workers at work, but also have to take back enough amount of handed parking cards when the workers leave the factory. If any cases of vehicle loss are detected, security guards are the very people to take the blame.
Arranging vehicles at the parking lot
While the security guards assigned at the main gate are doing their job, there are also other security guards assigned at the parking lot. These guards are responsible for guiding the workers to park at the right position and keeping the vehicles well-arranged. This job seems easy but it is indeed complicated. If the vehicles are not well-arranged, there won’t be enough space to park the vehicles. Some people want to park their vehicles at a spot that is the most convenient for them. This sometimes causes arguments in the parking lot.
At some factories, according to job requirements, security guards are sometimes responsible for inspecting the workers against bringing banned objects or substances to the factory such as matches, lighters, liquors and some other addictive substances.
A factory security guard is handing a parking pass to a worker
Ensure workplace security
When the system starts to operate, the workers will be all busy fulfilling their tasks while the security guards will all have to try their best to ensure factory security. There are still many unlisted tasks that factory security guards are responsible for doing.
To get a better understanding of about our factory security service, please watch the clip below:
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